Wednesday 14 August 2013

Wish, want, need

1. The most beautiful Mulberry bag, a Bayswater shoulder bag in "Oak". I also love it in "Deer Brown" which is ever so slightly darker and "Mole Grey" which is an amazing smooth grey colour but is even more expensive at £1,100 ! Whichever I choose I think I'm going to be saving for a while...should I, shouldn't I...

2. Some cute Polaroid style prints of my Instagram photos to frame and put on my wall. I've seen quite a few people who've done this already, I think it's such a cool idea.

3. Going to have to buy this at the weekend, it's from H&M, a really vibrant lime green material and gold chain statement-style necklace. It's such a bargain too!

4. I've been searching for a new moisturiser for ages and I was mooching about in boots round the Origins counter before spotting this, it smells incredible - like freshly juiced oranges :) yum.

5. I wish we had Bath and Body Works in the UK (or do we? In London?) because they have such nice sounding things! I love hand sanitizer for my handbag and they sell really cool flavours/scents, such as this Island Margarita one I've already ordered. They're super easy to find on eBay.

Thursday 8 August 2013

I am a Lee Stafford Obsessive

We already have one collective Lee Stafford review of a whole bunch of products but as that one was pretty long already and seeing as together I think we almost have the entire range we decided to split it into two posts!
Excuse the rubbishy photo :(
So i'll try to make this quick and i'll do it in order from left to right of the photo...

Poker Straight - Flat Iron Protection Shine Mist: I love this! I don't need to comment on the smell because it smells like basically everything else in the range and I think it's a love it or hate it kind of thing! At first I was a bit like "woah, not sure about that" but now I love it! Very strong, perfume-y, salon like smell that might take some getting used to. As for the actual product itself, it's amazing. I needed the heat protecting side of things as I use both hairdryer and straighteners and I loved the fact that it'd help keep my hair straight. I spray it really liberally all over my wet hair, blow dry it and then spray my hair again before using my straighteners. Not only does it definitely help with the straightness on the day and the day after but it doesn't leave any residue or weigh my hair down which I think is a necessity for everyone, right?
So it is really good and a bottle lasts for aaages but I think I will try some other products out there because I don't think this is the be all and end all!

Dry Shampoo - Dark: Meh... I'm not really a fan of this. Again, it smells good but I think that's about all I can say that I do like about it. This might just be me but I feel like it actually makes my hair more greasy, which is completely defying the point. It kind of freaks me out that when I shake it, it sounds like a spray paint can but also I think that because it obviously has some sort of product in it that makes it brown coloured and in turn that makes it a little sticky! Anyway I've used it about 6 times and haven't liked it each time so I wouldn't recommend this and I'm just going to stay with my trusty Batiste.

Poker Straight - Dehumidifier: I really like this! I've said before that I have the most useless hair and it always goes like a lions main in any form of humidity and this really does help. It tames my hair and although it's not going to completely stop any sort of effect it definitely lessens it, even in the rain. My only problem with it is that as I have fine hair, it does weigh it down slightly and I do find that I can't often get away with not washing my hair the day after use so I tend to save it for desperate times! I think if your hair was a little thicker then this would be fine for you but hey, trial and error!

Solution Spray - I Hate My Hair The Day It's Washed: To be honest I really don't know why I bought this. I used to think I hated my hair the day it's washed but actually, I quite like it so...yeah this product was not for me because it just meant I had to wash my hair again sooner. I do think that has a lot to with the fact that my hair is quite fine and can be quite oily. However I know a lot of people that love this product so all I can say is if you have fine hair or oily hair - don't buy this.

Protection Spray - Climate Control: Basically, for a hairspray I think this is amazing. It has good hold and it really does act like a bit of an umbrella as it suggests - if you're like me and when it's raining, drizzling, spitting or any of that kinda thing and your hair doesn't just get wet, it goes crazy then this is for you. Stops any frizz or fluffyness and helps keep your hair looking half way decent in the horrible English weather.

Argan Oil: As far as I'm aware this is the same as most argan oil products out there. You only need the smallest amount, I only use about half a pump, on wet hair, to get smooth, soft and sleek hair or you can use it on dry hair to smooth everything down and tame any flyaways. I don't use this too often as I'm worried about creating a build up on my hair but 2-3 times a week works perfectly! Also I think this might be one of the only products from the Lee Stafford range that doesn't have the signature smell, it smells slightly flowery instead.

My Big Fat Healthy Hair Shampoo and Conditioner
I'm always looking for things to make my hair more voluminous, if it has anything to do with volume (or volume related words i.e. big, fat) on the package I've probably got it and the Lee Stafford range is no exception. A lot of people have said that these products are really drying to your hair, they make it feel crispy and things like that but I really haven't experienced that. I think maybe the reason they feel it's drying is nothing to do with the shampoo but because the conditioner is a bit milky. I don't really find this a hugh problem, I just use a leave in conditioner afterwards and my hair feels like normal and I still get the effect from the shampoo. This shampoo works really, really well for me, as soon as I've dried my hair it actually feels lifted and voluminous and I think it makes my hair really clean, to the extent that I can get away with an extra day without washing. I wouldn't use it everyday as I think my hair can get used to products sometimes and if I don't mix it up, I'll stop getting the effect. Overall I would definitely buy the shampoo again but I probably wouldn't bother with the conditioner because I don't think it makes a difference.

Any suggestions to help my get voluminous hair?

Bioderma vs. Taaj Himalaya

Everybody and their mum knows Bioderma , the cleansing make-up remover perfect for sensitive skin that is well loved by all from make up artists to celebrities and everyone in between! Taaj Himalaya is less well known but could easily be in the running for best micellar water with its calming properties and plant extracts.
I first bought Bioderma on Escentual to see what all of the hype was about, I only bought the small 100ml just to give it a try and since then I've been hooked (and I now refill the cute little bottle so I can travel with it too) - it really is as incredible as everyone says. 
Then, when I went to Paris and was searching the shelves of CityPharma, I saw the Taaj Himayala bottle nestled up high and remembered reading a blog post by Zoella who swore by the stuff so decided to pick it up.
Naturally I felt I had to compare it to Bioderma because I really didn't think I'd ever find something I preferred.

So, i'll start with effectiveness of removal and to be honest I cannot tell a difference, neither require any rubbing or fussing, you just swipe a saturated cotton wool pad across your face to easily remove all traces of make up. The smell however there is definitely a difference between; Taaj Himalaya smells really flowery and fragrant, nice and fresh, whereas Bioderma actually smells a little funny - I can't put my finger on it but all I can think is it's a little plastic-y? It's supposed to be fragrance free but in this case I think a little fragrance wouldn't go amiss. As for how your face is feeling after use, with Bioderma I felt squeaky clean and it dried pretty much instantly. With Taaj I felt a little sticky or greasy and it took a fair while to dry which I really didn't like, I hate feeling sticky with a passion.
Next is the price, for 500ml of Taaj Himalaya it will cost you £16.00 plus p+p from Birchbox and 500ml of Bioderma is £14.50 plus p+p , not a huge difference!
The Taaj Himalaya does include some fancy ingredients like chamomile, green tea and rosemary which all sound like they should be good for you and apparently improve resistance to stress, and it is paraben free which I know can severely irritate some peoples skin, so in that case you may prefer it. However, I still believe nothing is better than Bioderma and am yet to be swayed. I will happily finish my bottle of Taaj Himalaya micellar water but I doubt i'll be buying it least not any time soon!

Which do you prefer?!

Tuesday 6 August 2013

Charity Skydive for Beating Bowel Cancer!

Saturday was an amazing day, the day of my charity skydive for the 'Beating Bowel Cancer' Charity. This was my second tandem skydive, my first was when I turned 18, but this time I wanted to raise money for a charity of my choice, and it was unbelievable. 

With the skydive airfield being about an hour and a half away, we had to leave at 6:00am to arrive before my 8:00am check in time. Now I am late for almost everything but when it comes to my adrenaline junkie days it's like WOAH she's half an hour early. Some of the centres chose the groups on a first come first serve basis and I wanted to fly in an early plane. However, this time I decided I would like an assigned camera man (best decision ever) so I was in the air about 12:30 because there are only so many of them. This was okay though because the Skydive centre had a cute cafe and bar so I got some breakfast and a cup of tea.
Was I nervous, yes - But definitely more excited, the people at the airfield were so friendly and organised and they make you feel like you know what your doing in training when they check each of you individually when you practice the body position. After 30 Minutes training and lots of people thanking me for raising money for a wonderful charity, it was my turn. 

Well, when I get nervous my gums go all tingly, and yes I know this is weird and the skydiver attached to me was probably thinking I was very strange to keep moving my jaw, but I didn't care. The Skydiver I had was amazing and so was my photographer, both so friendly and chatty, and the views from the plane are just amazing. Then they start to tighten your straps and talk you through exiting the plane. You start to see people jumping out, and the camera men diving out, (they are crazy) and then it's your turn. On my previous skydive I sat on the edge of the plane, but this time I was sort of rocked back and forward before diving out , and it was THE best moment ever. I would definitely recommend a photographer as they make you enjoy the experience a whole lot more as you aren't worrying about your hands and arms. I don't know quite how I managed to smile the entire time but in the photos I look like the happiest person alive and I really was. In many of the photos my face looks slightly unusual, resembling someone with a giant hairdryer blowing in their mouth, but I loved every second of it and the photos are amazing! The hat also makes my head look like a peanut, but I loved it all so much I was gonna take it home and wear it everyday.

The response and support I received was lovely and I feel so proud, for doing a skydive and also for raising hundreds of pounds for charity. I would recommend doing a tandem skydive to anyone, at least once in your lifetime, and if your an adrenaline crazed frenzy like me, just keep doing them!

 I would also recommend the Go Skydive centre in Salisbury, all the staff were incredible and my skydive instructor was just the best. I did my skydive from 10'000ft this time, but you can upgrade it to 15'000ft, I booked it through skyline online and it was extremely easy to do, and they make sure you know and have everything you need. I received a sexy t-shirt from my charity, a skydiving certificate and couldn't stop smiling all day!

For the curious ones, Clouds taste like salt.

Amy x

The New Mr & Mrs Van Gaveren

Sunday was the day that one of my best friends became a married woman, I cried the whole way through the ceremony as it was just beautiful and she looked just stunning. After arriving at around 1:20pm (slightly late as always) we were invited for drinks in the sports bar and I got to have a good look at everybody's outfits and fascinators, some of them lovely some a bit wild.

The First Dance

The wedding took place at Old Thorns Manor Hotel, Golf and Country Estate, which is a gorgeous venue and it is crazy huge, when it was time to enter the ceremony I made sure I had an aisle seat so I could snap their faces up in some pictures. Turned out we were all just crying the whole time anyway so some pictures are a bit funky. The ceremony was lovely throughout, and as she walked down the aisle with her dad you could see just how beautiful she looked, and her dress was perfect for her. The veil was mid-length and decorated with scattered diamante crystals which looked amazing in the light. 

Now for my favourite part of the wedding, the lovely Groom is dutch, though his English is incredible, he read out the vows he had written himself and in them read how he hoped to teach the bride dutch so that she could communicate with the new part of her family. However, he was unaware that she had learnt her vows in Dutch, and as she read them out you could see how much it meant to him, and it all set me off crying again, dabbing tissue all over my face, yum. 

The Beautiful Table Decorations

The rest of the wedding was lovely too, the food, then the speeches, me crying again, dancing. Overall I hope to eventually have a wedding day that can live up to it. The bridesmaid dresses were a beautiful colour and fitted each of them perfectly, the flower girl was one of the cutest I've ever seen twirling her way down the aisle, plus my sister looked amazing in the dress that had taken her months to choose- definitely worth the search. I didn't catch the bouquet although I performed my best dive into the ladies, my sister did get hold of it, but a bit of an eager beaver snatched it out her hand. Naughty Beaver. 

With Some Of My Closest Friends, I'm on the far Right

Beautiful day, gorgeous people, I really loved my dress and it's been waiting to make it's appearance for a while now. Overall amazing. A little tip for anyone whose got their wedding planned in their head already... add a chocolate fountain for the guests, people start to get bloated, their mouths smothered in chocolate and sometimes their dresses, easy way to make sure no-one even looks slightly as good as you. If you think someones looking just a tad too sexy, just give the running chocolate a little flick. 

Congratulations to them both.

Amy x

Thursday 1 August 2013

Review: Fudge Urban Iced Raspberry & Vanilla Hairspray

I'll make this short but sweet... I think I've found it. Finally, a hairspray which does what it says on the tin! I really am so pleased with this product because it smells incredible for one, like vanilla/raspberry ice cream or cupcakes or something, but it also stops your hair from being frizzy which I really need. It's strong hold but not at all crispy and it makes your hair really shiny too.
The only slight problem I have with it is that it comes out pretty fast so I have to do little bursts of spraying as to not spray far too much...but that's not enough reason to put me off. 
I don't know what more I can ask for really! Plus Superdrug often does deals on Fudge products. Love, love, love it. Go buy.
Fudge Urban Iced Raspberry & Vanilla Hairspray

Review: Caudalíe Beauty Elixir vs Caudalíe Grape Water

I heard a lot about both of these products but finally decided to pick them up whilst I was at City Pharma in Paris as they were so much cheaper than I would find them in England. I also thought they'd be perfect for refreshing my face considering the weather at the moment is so boiling hot.

The Beauty Elixir contains orange blossom, grape, rosemary, rose and organic balm mint which all claim to help tighten pores, smooth skin and give you radiance. First off it smells so nice, really luxurious and you can definitely smell the mint which is great for refreshing, that and the frosted glass bottle makes it feel like such a treat to use. However I do think it might not be to everyone's taste so have a little sniff first if you're considering buying it. You're supposed to it either after moisturizer, after foundation but before powder to really set your make up or just to refresh yourself during the day (or all three) and it comes out in a very fine mist so you don't have to worry about waiting for it to dry. When I do use this I use it before make up or if I'm having a no make up day to give me a bit more radiance and make me look a little less scary!
I can't say if it's had any drastic effect on my skin as I'm quite lucky and don't get many spots but the thing I am always searching for is a product to give me radiance as I feel my skin can get quite dull and this definitely does the trick!

Caudlie Beauty Elixir
Their Grape Water or Eau de Raisin if you want to make it sound more fancy is supposed to refresh, tone and moisturize your skin during the day or after cleansing. I really enjoy this product because it doesn't have a particular smell to it (or at least not one that I've detected) and it also comes out in a fine mist so if you're looking for something similar to Beauty Elixir but without the smell this might be for you, and although the Grape Water doesn't have as many beneficial factors, it's still a nice product and is also quite a bit more affordable. I tend to use the Beauty Elixir when my skin is looking a little worse for wear and the Grape Water as a more everyday product as I can definitely see myself getting carried away with the Elixir and can't afford to repurchase it all the time. 

Caudalie Grape Water
I'm really pleased with both of these products so if you can afford both and want to try both then I'd suggest you do! However if you're looking for a cheaper alternative to the Beauty Elixir, although it's not as beneficial, the Grape Water may be the right choice.

What are your thoughts? Have either of them worked for you? We'd love to hear what you think.

Collective Review: Lee Stafford Hair Product Range

Okay, so I have a slight obsession with Lee Stafford hair products which is just perfect for my bank account seeing's as there are so many of them.  The first time I came across them I stood for about half an hour in front of the stand, after realising I couldn't afford all of them at once, trying to chose my first 'Stafford' victim. I decided on the Argan Oil Miracle Heat Defence Spray, I always lose my heat defence sprays at home because basically I forget to use them, which I know is a major hair crime therefore felt it was time to sort out the hair I had so lovingly frazzled,.

After using the product for only a short while I found myself never wanting to use heat without it. I instantly felt that, not only did the spray protect my hair really well, but also gave it back its shine and nourished look; which I have never found in another heat defence spray. It also seems to de-frizz my hair which believe me is a hard task, so I no longer have to look on with jealousy at those with healthy shiny hair. Personally I would spray this product just so I could give it a sniff because I really like the smell, however I have heard that others find the scent a bit funky so I'd be aware of how much you spray in your hair as it, as the scent does tend to linger in your hair a bit after use.

I would obviously recommend this heat defence spray, especially to those who find they forget to use any, as you find yourselves not wanting to use heat without it. This product also claims to help straighteners 'glide' through your hair, personally I don't tend to straighten my hair very often so I am yet to experience the gliding, but I do find that when I curl my hair it easily creates healthy, defined curls. 
I see this product in almost every Boots Store I go into so it is extremely easy to find, and the online price for it is around £12.99.

Lee Stafford Argan Oil Miracle Heat Defence Spray

The Lee Stafford Matt Fat Powder is like the little tub of life for my hair. I love this product when I apply the right amount of powder, as it is the best  I have found for adding great volume, and the only one I can seem to get along with. It's the first that actually stays in my hair whether I'm going out for the evening or just trying to add volume for an everyday look, I also like that it contains a moisture absorbent which prevents the hair from appearing greasy. The package does appear only half full, which is a bit annoying especially after paying £9.50 in Boots, but after using it I realised this is probably because you really don't need to use much each time. It's very simple to apply and reapply the powder if you desire even more volume however, finding the perfect amount to use does take some getting used to. 

After using this product a couple of times and really liking it, I eventually found that I became a bit volume hungry and I sort of applied a bit too much, the results did not exactly turn out how it did in my mind. It felt a bit like someone had rubbed my scalp with a glue stick and I ended up having to wash it out about 5 minutes later, which is slightly inconvenient when your trying to get ready to go out. I found that before I dyed my hair blonde it sometimes showed up in my darker hair but with highlights I now don't have that problem at all. Also, if your hair gets wet in the rain or for whichever reason, it again feels like slimy glue and it makes it a bit uncomfortable and your scalp very dry afterwards. 

Overall I do really love the product when I can contain my excitement and hold back on the amount I apply. I would really recommend it for anyone wishing to add volume, whether its slight volume or lots as it's great for back combing so you can keep going until you get the look your going for and the end results do look great. However, be tight on the amount of powder you use, or you may aswell go and buy a pritt stick for less than half the price!

Lee Stafford Matt Fat Powder

The Sea Salt spray leaves me with mixed views, I do really love the end result after using the Spray and I love spraying it partly because of the smell, but it's not that far from the look I get when I let my hair dry naturally anyway, I was ready and waiting for my new waves after spraying it about 50 times and it was a bit of an anti-climax. The finished style does look leave you with soft, defined waves with a beachy texture which is a great look, and I do think that if you have extremely straight hair you will see more of a result and it will feel more worth the money. You do have to use a lot of the spray to get this beach babe look, and it does take some time.It's not a particularly expensive product with it being around £8.00, there is quite a lot in there, and it's a nice alternative to using heat on your hair. 

However, the directions state that you should spray it around 10 times or more and other reviews have suggested 50. Yes 50. Standing there spraying your hair 50 times and then it looking only slightly different was a bit frustrating and dull, so I rarely ever use this product and wouldn't re-purchase it.  Personally, I would rather just dip my head in salt water or pay someone to throw salt at me. 

Lee Stafford Beach Babe Sea Salt Spray

Although slightly expensive to have in a regular hair care routine I thought I would give this treatment a go, my my hair struggles to grow past a certain length and this product really did make a difference. The aim of the product is to give you healthy nourished hair that will encourage hair growth and I was very impressed with the results as my hair did feel so much healthier and full of body. Plus, I really think it was money well spent because the tub lasted quite a while, it does suggest using an 'egg' size amount, but I felt smaller amounts were just as effective for my medium length hair and made it last over a longer period of time. However, this does depend on the thickness and length of your hair already, if your lucky enough to have quite lengthy locks you may find yourself using more than recommended to achieve a result, which wouldn't exactly work out that cheap as part of a regular hair routine as it's around £8.00.

You are advised to use the product everytime you wash your hair and this does leave you with a noticeable result, it does also help de-tangle hair and leave it feeling thicker and softer- Result if you ask me. However, it proves quite difficult to use it every time, I noticed results from using it a couple of times week. Personally I find this a bit more practical as sometimes I find a super regular routine quite difficult with all the crazies of life going on and my plan to do something everyday seems to go out the window, so yes a couple of times a week will still make a big difference. Also a tip when applying the treatment, is to massage your scalp in small circles, because this increases blood flow to the surface of the scalp which also helps hair to grow quickly.

This product advertises giving you healthier locks which will promote and encourage hair growth, it will not instantly make your hair grow. However, it does provide your hair with the essential nutrients needed for hair growth and you will experience healthier softer hair. It's also a 'Vital hair and scalp complex helps reduce hair loss', now I am yet to lose my hair, but I'm thinking that's got to be an added bonus, and perhaps I've still got hair because of my lovely Lee Stafford Treatment. The mind boggles ;)

Lee Stafford Hair Growth Treatment

Let us know in the comments any other thoughts on this product and if you recommend any other lee Stafford Products as I'm always scouting for more ways to tame my mane!


Needless to say Paris is incredible. You don't even have to have been there to know it's incredible.
I had been once before, almost exactly a year ago with my then best friend and it wasn't anything compared to this time. Before we had travelled by Megabus, a 10 or 12 hour journey by coach and ferry, which doesn't sound that bad except that we travelled overnight and so therefore had to attempt to sleep upright and with minimal legroom - a task I found impossible. Not only that but when we arrived in Paris at 7am we then had to lug our bags around the entire city on an hours sleep until 2pm when we could book into our hostel. Not ideal. The trip had it's moments but overall it was a fail and left me severely disappointed! 

This time however was everything I had wanted/expected it to be and more. I could literally go on about it forever, it was the most amazing trip! I went with my boyfriend, my mum and her boyfriend who had previously lived in Paris for 6 years so that came in handy! We travelled on my birthday by car/euro tunnel, left at 4am and arrived at our hotel in Paris at 12pm and I slept the entire way - yay! 
After arriving at the hotel we got dressed and headed out into the scorching heat onto the metro, which by the way looks scary but if you understand the London tube system you'll figure it out in seconds, into Paris.
After having a look around the Tuileries gardens and getting our bearings we headed to Saint Michel which is the artist area and had an amazing dinner at this adorable little restaurant. The thing about restaurants in Paris is they pretty much all look the same and a bit shabby to be honest but it doesn't affect the food in the slightest. In England you can generally tell if somewhere is going to be posh/expensive/cheap/terrible but in Paris you're going to get amazing quality everywhere which I LOVE.

The Tuileries Garden
So the first day was pretty long and after dinner and a bit of wandering we headed back to the hotel to chill. The second day, however, was mine and my boyfriends time so after a breakfast of coffee and croissants we went straight to the Champs-Élysées to shop and I was in my element. Obviously we all know Paris isn't cheap but that's not something that put me off, I had a few things I knew I was going to buy while I was out there, one of which was some macarons from Ladurée and that's right where I headed! They aren't cheap but they are definitely worth it, if you haven't tried macarons before I urge you to go now to a patisserie and BUY SOME. Obviously I went into Sephora but it was all so expensive and the things I wanted I could actually get quite a bit cheaper in England so in the end I only bought a small eyeshadow... possibly just for the sake of it but hey, that's what us girls are like right?
So I didn't want to spend too much money until I had been to the one shop that beauty addicts all know of... you guessed it! City Pharma. The holy grail shop in all of Paris, the cheapest french skin and haircare products you'll find. It was easy to track down in Saint Germain and I was expecting to have to properly battle my way through to even see the shelves but, although it was very busy and narrow, it wasn't half as bad as I had expected.  I picked up a whole bunch of Bioderma, Caudalie and La Roche-Posay products among others - it was literally heaven!
Next we walked to the Notre Dame to do a bit of sightseeing and it was really impressive, you have to see it for yourself! However we were most excited to go to the Love Lock bridge which is just along from the Notre Dame as we wanted to put a lock on ourselves. Some would call this cheesy but I personally think its such a nice idea and loved that my boyfriend suggested it. If you're thinking about putting a lock on the bridge for whatever reason just remember to bring a lock with you because the shops out there charge at least €20 for one! Crazy money. Anyway we went to a little shop by the bridge to engrave our lock with the date, our names, the date we started going out and we also left room so that we can come back and engrave it again each time we visit! Bit soppy but I think it's special. So we put it on and as tradition goes we threw the key in the river (we have a spare).
Notre Dame
Love Lock Bridge
Notre Dame

Putting our lock on

At the Love Lock Bridge
By this time my boyfriend and I were shopped out (he loves shopping) so we went back to the hotel to get showered and dressed for dinner that night where we went to this super cute little restaurant in Saint Germain. The French really do food so well, both of us had steak that night and I'm literally drooling thinking about it, it was incredible. I want some now.
Stuffed we went to the Eiffel Tower, had an ice cream and sat by the fountain watching the light show and taking in the atmosphere before waving goodbye as the next day we were driving down to  the coast for the day (and going to the hypermarket - you can't not go there) before going home.
Eiffel Tower at night
Cheesy ;)
At the coast on the last day
In case you hadn't gathered from this mammoth post, I basically missed Paris before I even left and we're already discussing going again it was that good. I went for three days in total and I think that was actually enough time, city breaks involve a lot of walking and I'm not unfit but I was definitely in need of a rest when I got home!
If you're thinking of going then without a doubt do it although I'm sure no one needs any convincing. Only tip is do it right, no half measures.

Anyone else been to Paris? I love hearing other people's stories!

Immy x