Thursday 8 August 2013

Bioderma vs. Taaj Himalaya

Everybody and their mum knows Bioderma , the cleansing make-up remover perfect for sensitive skin that is well loved by all from make up artists to celebrities and everyone in between! Taaj Himalaya is less well known but could easily be in the running for best micellar water with its calming properties and plant extracts.
I first bought Bioderma on Escentual to see what all of the hype was about, I only bought the small 100ml just to give it a try and since then I've been hooked (and I now refill the cute little bottle so I can travel with it too) - it really is as incredible as everyone says. 
Then, when I went to Paris and was searching the shelves of CityPharma, I saw the Taaj Himayala bottle nestled up high and remembered reading a blog post by Zoella who swore by the stuff so decided to pick it up.
Naturally I felt I had to compare it to Bioderma because I really didn't think I'd ever find something I preferred.

So, i'll start with effectiveness of removal and to be honest I cannot tell a difference, neither require any rubbing or fussing, you just swipe a saturated cotton wool pad across your face to easily remove all traces of make up. The smell however there is definitely a difference between; Taaj Himalaya smells really flowery and fragrant, nice and fresh, whereas Bioderma actually smells a little funny - I can't put my finger on it but all I can think is it's a little plastic-y? It's supposed to be fragrance free but in this case I think a little fragrance wouldn't go amiss. As for how your face is feeling after use, with Bioderma I felt squeaky clean and it dried pretty much instantly. With Taaj I felt a little sticky or greasy and it took a fair while to dry which I really didn't like, I hate feeling sticky with a passion.
Next is the price, for 500ml of Taaj Himalaya it will cost you £16.00 plus p+p from Birchbox and 500ml of Bioderma is £14.50 plus p+p , not a huge difference!
The Taaj Himalaya does include some fancy ingredients like chamomile, green tea and rosemary which all sound like they should be good for you and apparently improve resistance to stress, and it is paraben free which I know can severely irritate some peoples skin, so in that case you may prefer it. However, I still believe nothing is better than Bioderma and am yet to be swayed. I will happily finish my bottle of Taaj Himalaya micellar water but I doubt i'll be buying it least not any time soon!

Which do you prefer?!

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