Thursday 1 August 2013

Collective Review: Lee Stafford Hair Product Range

Okay, so I have a slight obsession with Lee Stafford hair products which is just perfect for my bank account seeing's as there are so many of them.  The first time I came across them I stood for about half an hour in front of the stand, after realising I couldn't afford all of them at once, trying to chose my first 'Stafford' victim. I decided on the Argan Oil Miracle Heat Defence Spray, I always lose my heat defence sprays at home because basically I forget to use them, which I know is a major hair crime therefore felt it was time to sort out the hair I had so lovingly frazzled,.

After using the product for only a short while I found myself never wanting to use heat without it. I instantly felt that, not only did the spray protect my hair really well, but also gave it back its shine and nourished look; which I have never found in another heat defence spray. It also seems to de-frizz my hair which believe me is a hard task, so I no longer have to look on with jealousy at those with healthy shiny hair. Personally I would spray this product just so I could give it a sniff because I really like the smell, however I have heard that others find the scent a bit funky so I'd be aware of how much you spray in your hair as it, as the scent does tend to linger in your hair a bit after use.

I would obviously recommend this heat defence spray, especially to those who find they forget to use any, as you find yourselves not wanting to use heat without it. This product also claims to help straighteners 'glide' through your hair, personally I don't tend to straighten my hair very often so I am yet to experience the gliding, but I do find that when I curl my hair it easily creates healthy, defined curls. 
I see this product in almost every Boots Store I go into so it is extremely easy to find, and the online price for it is around £12.99.

Lee Stafford Argan Oil Miracle Heat Defence Spray

The Lee Stafford Matt Fat Powder is like the little tub of life for my hair. I love this product when I apply the right amount of powder, as it is the best  I have found for adding great volume, and the only one I can seem to get along with. It's the first that actually stays in my hair whether I'm going out for the evening or just trying to add volume for an everyday look, I also like that it contains a moisture absorbent which prevents the hair from appearing greasy. The package does appear only half full, which is a bit annoying especially after paying £9.50 in Boots, but after using it I realised this is probably because you really don't need to use much each time. It's very simple to apply and reapply the powder if you desire even more volume however, finding the perfect amount to use does take some getting used to. 

After using this product a couple of times and really liking it, I eventually found that I became a bit volume hungry and I sort of applied a bit too much, the results did not exactly turn out how it did in my mind. It felt a bit like someone had rubbed my scalp with a glue stick and I ended up having to wash it out about 5 minutes later, which is slightly inconvenient when your trying to get ready to go out. I found that before I dyed my hair blonde it sometimes showed up in my darker hair but with highlights I now don't have that problem at all. Also, if your hair gets wet in the rain or for whichever reason, it again feels like slimy glue and it makes it a bit uncomfortable and your scalp very dry afterwards. 

Overall I do really love the product when I can contain my excitement and hold back on the amount I apply. I would really recommend it for anyone wishing to add volume, whether its slight volume or lots as it's great for back combing so you can keep going until you get the look your going for and the end results do look great. However, be tight on the amount of powder you use, or you may aswell go and buy a pritt stick for less than half the price!

Lee Stafford Matt Fat Powder

The Sea Salt spray leaves me with mixed views, I do really love the end result after using the Spray and I love spraying it partly because of the smell, but it's not that far from the look I get when I let my hair dry naturally anyway, I was ready and waiting for my new waves after spraying it about 50 times and it was a bit of an anti-climax. The finished style does look leave you with soft, defined waves with a beachy texture which is a great look, and I do think that if you have extremely straight hair you will see more of a result and it will feel more worth the money. You do have to use a lot of the spray to get this beach babe look, and it does take some time.It's not a particularly expensive product with it being around £8.00, there is quite a lot in there, and it's a nice alternative to using heat on your hair. 

However, the directions state that you should spray it around 10 times or more and other reviews have suggested 50. Yes 50. Standing there spraying your hair 50 times and then it looking only slightly different was a bit frustrating and dull, so I rarely ever use this product and wouldn't re-purchase it.  Personally, I would rather just dip my head in salt water or pay someone to throw salt at me. 

Lee Stafford Beach Babe Sea Salt Spray

Although slightly expensive to have in a regular hair care routine I thought I would give this treatment a go, my my hair struggles to grow past a certain length and this product really did make a difference. The aim of the product is to give you healthy nourished hair that will encourage hair growth and I was very impressed with the results as my hair did feel so much healthier and full of body. Plus, I really think it was money well spent because the tub lasted quite a while, it does suggest using an 'egg' size amount, but I felt smaller amounts were just as effective for my medium length hair and made it last over a longer period of time. However, this does depend on the thickness and length of your hair already, if your lucky enough to have quite lengthy locks you may find yourself using more than recommended to achieve a result, which wouldn't exactly work out that cheap as part of a regular hair routine as it's around £8.00.

You are advised to use the product everytime you wash your hair and this does leave you with a noticeable result, it does also help de-tangle hair and leave it feeling thicker and softer- Result if you ask me. However, it proves quite difficult to use it every time, I noticed results from using it a couple of times week. Personally I find this a bit more practical as sometimes I find a super regular routine quite difficult with all the crazies of life going on and my plan to do something everyday seems to go out the window, so yes a couple of times a week will still make a big difference. Also a tip when applying the treatment, is to massage your scalp in small circles, because this increases blood flow to the surface of the scalp which also helps hair to grow quickly.

This product advertises giving you healthier locks which will promote and encourage hair growth, it will not instantly make your hair grow. However, it does provide your hair with the essential nutrients needed for hair growth and you will experience healthier softer hair. It's also a 'Vital hair and scalp complex helps reduce hair loss', now I am yet to lose my hair, but I'm thinking that's got to be an added bonus, and perhaps I've still got hair because of my lovely Lee Stafford Treatment. The mind boggles ;)

Lee Stafford Hair Growth Treatment

Let us know in the comments any other thoughts on this product and if you recommend any other lee Stafford Products as I'm always scouting for more ways to tame my mane!

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