Friday 22 September 2017

Book Club: Issue 1

I've been trying to read a lot more recently, I used to read every night but as your life gets busier it just leaves so little time after work or hobbies or trying to go to the gym which I still am failing at.
I've set myself the target of starting a new book every 2 weeks. So far so good and I am really enjoying it. It has also been helping me sleep as it means I'm no longer looking at TV or phone screens so close to going to bed. I thought that a good way to help me keep reading would be to share some reviews and if anyone has any recommendations for books to try, please let me know! I have put my favourites from the past two months below...

The Couple Next Door
I really enjoyed this book, I couldn't put it down. The story is about a couple who go to a dinner party at the house next door, they leave the baby in her crib whilst taking the baby monitor with them and deciding to check on the baby every 30 minutes. They both get drunk, go home and the front door is open and the baby missing. 
Such a page turner, although I found the 2nd third slightly slow. I had to know the truth and I found myself guessing the ending over and over, when I shouldn't have actually bothered. I didn't see the ending coming at all and I think the twists leading up to the end keep you on your toes. I loved the suspense and how gripping it was, I would definitely recommend it and read it again myself!

The Roanoke Girls
Fifteen year old Lane's mother commits suicide, leading her to her new home in Kansas with her Grandparents and Cousin Allegra. She has never been told much about her family and she quickly embraces life as one of the rich and beautiful Roanoke girls. But when she discovered the dark truth at the heart of the family, she ran fast and far away. Each Roanoke girl either dies or goes missing.

Eleven years later, Lane is living in Los Angeles when her grandfather calls to tell her Allegra has gone missing. Lane returns to help search, and to ease her guilt at having left Allegra behind. It also means facing the devastating secret that made her flee, one she may not be able to run away from again.

This story is so well written, it weaves between then and now, shocking you along the way. I think that for certain readers the story might not be for them as its very twisted. I however, LOVED it, it's become one of my favourite books of all time. 

Last Seen Alive
Libby Hall needs to hide, to escape from everything for a while. Which is why the house swap is a godsend. The chance for Libby and her husband Jamie to exchange their tiny Bath flat for a beautiful haven on the wild Cornish coast. But she can't hide.
Before they can begin to heal their fragile marriage, Libby makes some disturbing discoveries about the house. And soon the peace and isolation begin to feel threatening. How alone are they? Why does she feel watched?
I thought this was a great read especially if you want a break from the really heavy reads. It's a great book for picking up whenever you get a spare moment and is easy to pick up from where you left off. It has a lot of twists which I didn't see coming, I found myself shouting 'nooooo' at the book a lot and sitting there with an open mouth! There is everything you could hope for in a thriller, deceit, twists, turns, I bloody loved it. There were moments in-between reading where I actually found myself a little on edge when I was alone and waking up looking around the room (that's a good thriller for you). Which can only mean that Claire Douglas the Author achieved what she set out to do.

Let's see what the next three have to offer. Recommendations always welcome. Have a good weekend everyone - and if you're thinking of doing a house swap, don't.

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